This interactive process map will provide details on the activities and interactions you will have with EMRS as a Capacity Provider to support you in participating in the CM scheme.

When you click on each stage this will provide you with the requirements, tasks to be completed and relevant supporting information.

1. Credit Cover

Applicants are required to lodge Credit Cover if they receive a notice from the Delivery Body confirming pre-qualification of their Capacity Market Unit(s) is conditional on providing Credit Cover.

Do I need to register with EMRS?

You do not have to register to successfully lodge Credit Cover. Instead, once you have lodged, contact the Service Desk stating the below:

  • CMU ID(s)
  • Auction
  • Amount
  • Format (cash or Letter of Credit)
  • Date it will be received in bank (if cash)
  • Letter of Credit (LoC) ID (if LoC)
  • A copy of the SWIFT message sent to ESC’s bankers (if LoC)

If lodging for multiple CMU’s in one LoC or bank transfer, please confirm the monetary break down.

What form of Credit Cover can be accepted?

The Credit Cover can be lodged in the form of cash, Letter of Credit (LoC) or a combination of both. The bank details and latest LoC template can be found in WP35- CM Applicant /Capacity Provider Credit Cover Process.

Please note when any changes are required to existing Letter of Credits that are in place, Capacity Provider are recommended to issue an amendment to a Letter of Credit rather than issuing a new Letter of Credit.

How long does a Letter of Credit need to be valid for?

LoC should be valid for a minimum of 6 months from date of issue. If Credit Cover is required past the expiry date we will contact you requesting that you extend your Letter of Credit but please note it is the Applicant/Capacity Providers responsibility to ensure valid Credit Cover is lodged.

Return of Credit Cover

Return of Credit Cover can be requested once Delivery Body has confirmed the Credit Cover value of the CMU has decreased. EMRS are only able to process the Credit Cover return once Delivery Body has communicated the decrease of Credit Cover value for the CMU to us.

If you have queries regarding the Credit Cover requirement please contact Delivery Body.

How do I request the return of my Credit Cover and how long does it take?

The Credit Cover return process can be different depending on whether the Applicant has registered with EMRS (being granted an EMR Party ID) or not.

If you have previously registered with EMRS, you need to contact the Service Desk with below information:

  • CMU ID(s)
  • Amount (monetary break down for multiple CMUs)
  • Format (cash or LoC)
  • Bank details (if cash) – this must match the bank details we have on recorded for you
  • LoC ID (if LoC)

This request must come from a Primary Party Authority, Finance Authority or Credit Contact. To understand the privileges of each authority, please see G4 – EMR Settlement Authorisations.

If you haven’t registered with EMRS previously and wish to request the return of Credit Cover please contact the Service Desk:

  • If Credit Cover is lodged in Cash, please request and complete a Cash Credit Cover Return form.
  • If Credit Cover is lodged by LoC, please email your request to confirm the CMU ID, Amount, auction and LoC ID.
  • Please note that requests should be sent by the Delivery Body main contact.

Please do not ask your bank to amend or cancel a LoC before you have received authorisation from EMRS as these will be rejected.

Further information of Credit Cover return process can be found on WP35- CM Applicant /Capacity Provider Credit Cover Process.

2. Registration

Registering with EMRS is required prior to the start of Delivery Year your agreement is awarded to enable Capacity Payment to be made to you. Failure to complete the registration process may result in Capacity Payments not being made on time.

If you are not registered with EMRS please use My EMRS. The process steps are illustrated within WP22 – Applicant and Capacity Provider Registration.

We have produced a short video to illustrate the registration process using My EMRS.

For additional support or guidance on how to use My EMRS, we have published G25 – My EMRS User Guide and the About My EMRS webpage contains additional information and useful FAQs.

You will need to complete the following registration details within My EMRS:

  • Registration User
  • Company Details
  • Settlement Information
  • Primary Bank Account
  • Credit Cover Return Account
  • Contact Details

Once these details are completed, you submit them for Approval by an Authorised Contact and then EMRS. We will keep you informed via email notification of successfully or unsuccessfully approval and when to access My EMRS if required.

Amending registration details

You are able to amend your registration details at any time via using My EMRS and this is also detailed in WP22 – Applicant and Capacity Provider Registration. To amend your details please select ‘Party Details‘ and ‘Amend Registration‘ from the Action drop down on the right-hand side on the screen. You can then select from the menu on the left-hand side on the area you wish to amend:

  • Company Details
  • Settlement Information
  • Primary Bank Account
  • Credit Cover Return Account
  • Contact Details

To understand the privileges against each Authorised Contact please do read through G4 – EMR and Nuclear RAB Settlement Authorisations.

Primary Authority, Finance Authority, Operating Authority and Trading Contacts can submit amendments to registrations details via My EMRS. All amendments will be required to be approved by either a Finance Authority or a Primary Party Authority (this cannot be the same person who has submitted the amendment. This expands on the current external approval for amendments to Bank Account detail and reduces the risk of erroneous activity within My EMRS.

Once approved externally, these will be received by EMRS to review and confirm if your updates have been approved or rejected by email.

Please note when Bank Account Details are amended these do need to be verified and EMRS will contact a relevant Authorised Contact (either a Primary Party Authority or a Finance Authority) to confirm bank details.

3. Metering Assessment and Metering Test

You will complete these metering processes using My EMRS:

  • Metering Assessment
  • Metering Test (if required)
  • Requesting a Test Certificate (if required)

If you are not familiar with My EMRS we’d suggest having a look through G25 – My EMRS User Guide as this illustrates the various processes available. We have also created some short training videos to support Capacity Providers with navigating the Metering Assessment and Metering Test functionalities within My EMRS.

Metering Assessment

The purpose of a Metering Assessment is to determine whether or not a Metering Test is required. Capacity Providers are required to complete a Metering Assessment by providing answers to all relevant questions on My EMRS.

We have provided information in G1 – Capacity Market Metering to aid with any technical queries you may have with the questions.

Metering Test

After completing the Metering Assessment process, we will notify the Capacity Provider whether or not a Metering Test is required for a Component within a CMU.

If so, the Capacity Provider needs to complete a Metering Test on My EMRS by submitting a Single Line Diagram, Metering Statement and any additional supporting documentation before the deadline of each Delivery Year.

A Metering Statement, as per Schedule 6 of the Capacity Market (Amendment) Rules 2015, needs to be submitted for each Component that triggered a Metering Test. This must provide details of all Components within the CMU. If you need assistance with completing your Metering Statement, please take a look at G20 – Capacity Market Metering Statement.

We recommend you have a look through WP197 – Capacity Market Metering Test as this steps you through the Metering Test process.

Requesting a Metering Test Certificate

After completing the Metering Test, we will notify the Capacity Provider of the outcome of the Metering Test.

If successful, the Capacity Provider will be able to request a Metering Test Certificate on My EMRS.

Please refer to G1 – Capacity Market Metering to check the Metering Test Certificate deadlines.

4. Metering Configuration

You will need to complete the following metering processes within My EMRS:

  • Metering Configuration
  • Component Reallocation
  • Change Requests

Metering Configuration

Metering Configuration is also known as ‘Aggregation Rules or Metering Aggregation’, and this is evident within our documentation. We will be working towards making this consistent across all supporting information.

Prior to the start of each Delivery Year, 1 October, we require Capacity Providers to submit Metering Aggregation information for all CMUs with Capacity Agreements. To aid you in completing this process please read WP25 – Aggregation Rules. We have also created a short training video to support Capacity Providers with navigating the Change Request functionality within My EMRS.

Failure to submit your Metering could delay payments and/or potentially lead to agreement termination. Your Metering Aggregation information will also support you in completing your Satisfactory Performance Days and Extended Performance (if applicable) obligations.

During a Stress Event, the Metering Aggregation provided will be used as the basis for aggregating Metered Volumes in the Settlement System to demonstrate whether you have delivered your Capacity Obligation. If no Metering Aggregation information is available, this could lead to Penalty Charges.

Please be aware you must have the correct level of authorisation to be able to both save and submit Metering Aggregation information. The process is not complete until you receive confirmation that the Metering Aggregation information has been successfully approved.

You must log in to My EMRS and check all components allocated to a CMU have been approved.

Component Reallocation

Adding Components

Within five working days of the notification, the Capacity Provider must submit the following for each DSR CMU Component:

  1. Detailed line diagrams showing electrical configurations and metering sites at which the DSR CMU Components are located;
  2. Metering Assessment for the CMU; and
  3. Metering Test Certificate, if applicable, within 40 working days of the notification.

It is important to note for each CMU, a Capacity Provider cannot send a notification (that it wishes to add a CMU Component) more than ten times within a Delivery Year. Additionally, a Capacity Provider can only add up to 40 new DSR Components within one Delivery Year.

The Capacity Market Metering Register will be updated to include the DSR Component Reallocations.


A Capacity Provider may notify EMRS via My EMRS that it wishes to remove one or more Demand Side Response (DSR) CMU Components from a CMU.

The exception to this is if a CMU has been awarded a Capacity Agreement exceeding one Delivery Year and has not yet met the requirements of obtaining a DSR Test Certificate.

To aid you in completing this process, please read G1 – Capacity Market Metering. We have also created a short training video to support Capacity Providers with navigating the Component Reallocation functionality within My EMRS.

Within five working days of this notification, the CMU Component must no longer be included in any determination of the DSR Volume of the DSR CMU from which it was removed.

Please note the CMU Component(s) cannot be reinstated as part of a DSR CMU in the same Delivery Year.

Change Requests

A Capacity Provider may propose to make changes to a CMU’s Equipment and/or Metering Configuration.

To aid you in completing this process please read G1 – Capacity Market Metering. We have also created a short training video to support Capacity Providers with navigating the Change Request functionality within My EMRS.

EMRS will then review the proposed changes and let the Capacity Provider know of the outcome.

5. Metered Volumes

Capacity Providers can submit metered volumes to EMRS via a number of sources:

  • Balancing and Settlement Code Company (BSCCo) Balancing Mechanism Units (BMU)
  • Supplier Settlement (Non-BMU) Capacity Providers will need to request that their Supplier(s) send a D0354 data flow to the appointed Half Hourly Data Aggregator (HHDA). This will trigger the HHDA to send D0357 data flows to EMRS.
  • Self-submission by the Capacity Provider or their appointed Data Collector (DC) Uses a defined CSV format to uploaded data into the Settlement System via Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) account with EMRS. Contact the Service Desk to setup an SFTP account.

What is the importance of submitting Metered Data?

The importance for Capacity Providers submitting Metered Data:

  • To pass Satisfactory Performance Days and Extended Performance (if applicable) obligations and avoid suspension or termination
  • Assist in minimising any Penalties incurred should a Stress Event occur

When do I need to start submitting Metered Data?

Capacity Providers with CMUs using both the Supplier Settlement (Non-BMU) and Self-submission metering pathway need to establish these arrangements in advance of the start of the Delivery Year.

Metered Data needs to start being submitted from the start of the Delivery Year. BMU and Supplier Settlement (Non-BMU) data is submitted in accordance with the BSC Settlement Calendar and this calendar is available on the Elexon Portal.

We encouraged Capacity Providers to submit metered volumes to EMRS on a daily or weekly basis and also monitor their metered data is being received by EMRS, via downloading your Metered Data from My EMRS.

Supplier Settlement (Non-BMU)

Capacity Providers using the Supplier Settlement (Non-BMU) metering pathway are responsible for the status of the data flow arrangements and should check on a periodic basis from start of the Delivery Year and throughout.

Background Information

We would like to provide some background to those that are not so familiar with the use of data flows within the electricity market.

The data flow D0357 – Half Hourly Metered Data for EMR is used in both the Capacity Market and Contract for Difference schemes.

This will support the processes and interactions between a wide variety of participants including Suppliers, Distributors, and Central Data Bodies when a customer goes through a Change of Supplier.

The Data Transfer Catalogue (DTC) is the data catalogue for Retail Energy Code (REC) parties, detailing the data flows that accommodate the inter-operational exchange of information between industry participants via a standardised format. You can view the ElectraLink Data Transfer Catalogue (DTC) which provides information on the data flow structures and data items.

How to setup Supplier Settlement (Non-BMU) volume flows (D0357)

The process steps to setup D0357 – Half Hourly Metered Data for EMR is detailed in BSCP503: Half Hourly Data Aggregation for SVA Metering Systems Registered in SMRS. In addition, a summary guidance is available, HHDA Metering Solution for EMR.

Where a Capacity Provider has CMU(s), which contain MPAN(s), they must ask their Supplier to send D0354 data flow to the HHDA to trigger the creation of D0357 data flows. We have also summarised the high level process, please do ensure you follow the BSCP503 and reference the HHDA Metering Solution for EMR guidance.

To setup a D0357 the Supplier must send a D0354 data flow from the supplier to the HHDA. The D0354 need to include the following information:

  • Instruction Number – Mandatory
  • MPAN – Mandatory
  • Effective from Settlement Date {MSCM} – Mandatory
  • Effective to Settlement Date {MSCM} – optional
  • Contract Reference – optional

Although “Effective to Settlement Date {MSCM}” is optional we advise this is populated. Please keep a record, for each MPAN, of the effective to date. Prior to reaching the effective to date a new D0354 instruction with a revised effective from date must be issued to ensure the D0357 continue to be received by EMRS.

The HHDA will respond with either:

  • D0355 – this is an acceptance from the HHDA to the supplier
  • D0356 – this is a rejection*

*Where the HHDA responds with a rejection (D0356), the Supplier must resolve the rejection reason and a new D0354 data flow issued. D0357 data flows is not issued until the HHDA responds with an acceptance (D0355).

If the Effective to Settlement Date is not populated, some HHDA’s will default this value however you may not know what has been used until the data flows stop being produced.

Note: If you change your Supplier this will result in the de-appointment of the HHDA and a new relationship must be established, this is through a D0354 data flow from your new Supplier.
This validity of data flows will also assist in minimising any penalties incurred should a Stress Event occur.

Further information

EMRS recently published ‘How to setup the D0357- Half Hourly Metered Data for EMR data flow’ within our news section to support both Capacity Providers and Suppliers.

Also, we wanted to highlight within Section S of the Balancing and Settlement Code it confirms the requirement on Suppliers in respect of supporting this process:

2.9 Provision of Data to a CM Settlement Services Provider

2.9.1 Where a Supplier that is the Registrant of an SVA Metering System associated with CM Assets is so requested by a customer or generator that has entered into a Capacity Agreement in respect of those CM Assets then that Supplier shall ensure that its Half Hourly Data Aggregator provides metered data relating to that SVA Metering System to a CM Settlement Services Provider in accordance with BSCP503.

Self-submission by the Capacity Provider or their appointed Data Collector (DC)

Defined CSV format

For those who have selected self-submission by the Capacity Provider or their appointed Data Collector (DC) uses a defined CVS format to provide their Metered Data to EMRS.

The requirements and file format are available in WP195 – Capacity Market and CfD Metered Data and please refer to the following:

  • Appendix 1 – CSV File Requirements
  • Appendix 2 – CSV file format

Supporting information on Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP)

Account Creation

Capacity Providers who need an SFTP Account will need to contact the Service Desk to request a SFTP account and will need to confirm the following details:

  • EMR Party ID:
  • Capacity Provider ID:
  • SFTP Account Contact Name:
  • SFTP Account Contact Email:
  • SFTP Account Contact Mobile (password will be sent to):

Once your account has been created, EMRS will issue your login details and provide any supporting information.

SFTP Account Structure

You will only use the STEP001_IN, STEP001_OUT and STEP001_ARCHIVE, folders for the submissions of metered data.

  • STEP001_IN is where you will submit your metered data.
  • STEP001_OUT is where you will see your notifications.
  • STEP001_ARCHIVE is where you will see your archived notifications.

We encourage Capacity Providers to monitor the STEP001_OUT to identify if they have received the ‘Metered Data unsuccessfully loaded Notification’.

SFTP Notifications

Capacity Providers receive the below notifications when they submit their metered data:

  • Metered Data Received Notification
  • Metered Data Successfully Loaded Notification
  • Metered Data Unsuccessfully Loaded Notification

As noted above Capacity Providers are encouraged to monitor the STEP001_OUT to identify if they have received the ‘Metered Data Unsuccessfully Loaded Notification’.

If Capacity Provider’s need further assistance with determining why their submitted CSV Metered Data file has unsuccessfully loaded, please contact the Service Desk and provide the following details:

  • Metered Data file name:
  • Date csv file uploaded to SFTP folder:
  • CM Units affected:

Forgotten SFTP Password

If you have forgotten your SFTP password, please contact the Service Desk who will assist with your query.

6. Delivery Year

Prior to the start of a Delivery Year we’d like to inform Capacity Providers of the following:

  • Amending registration details with EMRS
  • Submission of Metered Volumes
  • Volume Reallocation
  • Receiving Capacity Provider Payments

These are areas that the EMR Delivery Body (DB) would like to highlight:

  • Secondary Trading with Delivery Body
  • Register for Volume Reallocation with the Delivery Body
  • Completing Satisfactory Performance Days (SPD) and Extended Performance
  • Stress Event – Capacity Market Warnings

Satisfactory Performance Day (SPD) and Extended Performance requirements

The ESC will publish an SPD and Extended Performance Pass Report meaning Capacity Providers WILL NOT have to submit dates on the EMR DB Portal if a CMU falls within the automated category and their CMUs show they have exceeded their Auction Acquired Capacity Obligation (AACO).

Please note if you have passed, your information will appear on the report and therefore no further action will be required. If your information does not appear on the report, please get in contact with ESC who will be happy to discuss this with you further.

The report will be issued every 2 weeks and can be found here. The updated process will take effect from 1 October 2022.

The report will act as your notification to allow Capacity Providers to understand if you have passed and is set up to allow customers to self-serve. The report shows the number of CMUs that have automatically passed. If your CMU/s are not on the report, it will be due to one of below reasons:

  1. CMU has not exceeded its AACO and/or Connection Capacity as per the SPD and Extended Performance rules for the specific auction
  2. Data setup is not complete (Aggregation Rules, Metered Volume Data flows or another issue)

If you believe there is an issue with the data or setup, please contact ESC immediately.

If your CMU is within the automated process and you appear on the pass report, there is no further action required.

If your CMU is within the outstanding category, you will be required to follow the existing process to submit SPD dates onto the EMR DB’s portal. For detailed instructions, please refer to  EMR DB’s Guidance. Also available to view is EMR DB’s high-level overview of Agreement Management processes.

7. Capacity Payments

We manage Capacity Provider payments on behalf of Electricity Settlements Company (ESC). Capacity Providers will be issued with a Credit Note on the 28th Working Day following the end of the relevant Delivery Month.

The credit notes and associated settlement files will be emailed to the company email addresses. You also have My EMRS, an additional channel to download your settlement files. We will make payments to the bank account details we hold within My EMRS.

G17-Capacity Provider Payments provides further details about these payments.

Key Figures for Payments confirms the Monthly Weighting Factor.

EMRS Settlement Calendar provides a schedule of when payments for Capacity Providers will be invoiced, when payment is due, and if applicable, the Settlement Date and the Settlement Run.

8. Stress Event

A System Stress Event is defined in the Capacity Market Rules and is where the System Operator has instructed (involuntary) load reduction to maintain the security of the transmission system in the event of a shortage of generation to meet demand.

If a System Stress Event occurs after a Capacity Market Warning, Capacity Providers will be required to deliver their Adjusted Load Following Capacity Obligation (ALFCO).

System Stress Event Webinar

EMR Delivery Body, ESC and EMRS hosted a webinar to explain to Capacity Providers about the various activities, both prior and post if a System Stress Event happened. You can watch the webinar recording on YouTube, step through the presentation slides and also see the Q&A raised during the webinar.

Capacity Market Warnings

Are you registered to receive Capacity Market Notices? If you have not yet registered please register to receive these notifications via this link: GB Electricity Capacity Market Notices. This website displays all electricity Capacity Market Notices (CMN) issued by National Energy System Operator (NESO). The site also provides frequently answered questions.

There are a number of other system warnings that can be issued when there is an insufficient margin between supply and demand. These are often linked but are not dependent on one another. For example, an Electricity Margin Notice (EMN) could occur following a CMN. An EMN is issued when NESO believes there is a significant risk that generation will not meet demand. However, a CMN could be issued and resolved before an EMN is needed, or an EMN could be issued without a CMN if the problem needs to be resolved quickly, for example, a large unplanned outage.

This topic is covered in the webinar mentioned above, and more information about CMNs and EMNs is detailed on slides 11-15 of the presentation slides.

Volume Reallocation

After a System Stress Event has occurred, Capacity Providers may use Volume Reallocation if they have under or over-delivered compared to their Capacity Obligation. The process involves each participating CMUs to submit Capacity Market Volume Reallocation Notification (CMVRN) to EMRS who validate the CMVRN and volume reallocate. Capacity Providers use My EMRS to submit CMVRNs to EMRS.

WP48 – Volume Reallocation details the process and timescales associated to this process.

The Capacity Volume Register will be published on the Settlement Data page from the 24th to 33rd Working Day inclusive after the end of the month in which a System Stress Event occurs.

Mock System Stress Event Reporting

To support Capacity Providers understand the output included within the Capacity Volume Register, ESC and EMRS have produced the Mock System Stress Event Reporting which was first undertaken within the 2022/23 Delivery Year.

This activity will continue for future Delivery Years in the winter period. More information is available on the Mock System Stress Event Reporting webpage.

Essential Reading & Information

To consolidate information related to System Stress Events across the Delivery Partners, G18 – Capacity Market Stress Event Guide was created.

This Guidance Document provides more information on the following:
• Overview of System Stress Event
• Adjusted Load Following Capacity Obligation (ALFCO)
• Metered Data submission
• Balancing Services Data submission
• Volume Reallocation
• Penalty Invoice calculation
• Disputes
• Black Starts

If you do have any specific System Stress Event questions for either ESC or EMRS please do contact the Service Desk and we’d be happy to help.

9. Penalty and Over Delivery Payments

Capacity Provider Penalty

These are financial penalties imposed on Capacity Providers who fail to meet their Capacity Obligations during a System Stress Event. Penalties are related to a Capacity Provider’s Capacity Payments and are capped at 100% of a Capacity Provider’s annual Capacity Payment with respect to a Capacity Market Unit (CMU), and at 200% of the CMU’s Capacity Payment for any individual month.

Over Delivery Payments

This is a payment made to a Capacity Provider that has delivered more than its Capacity Obligation during a System Stress Event. This payment is funded by the Penalties collected. Therefore the payment is calculated and made at the end of the Delivery Year once all Penalties have been received.

G17-Capacity Provider Payments provides further details about these payments.