
As part of the System Stress Event Testing Programme, it is looking to address improving data quality issues and the overall accuracy on Settlement if a System Stress Event were to happen.

Working together with ESC, one of the initiatives is to replicate the calculations involved in a System Stress Event to create a Mock System Stress Event reporting that can be sent to Capacity Providers. This will enable Capacity Providers to understand their initial position had a Stress Event occurred and be informed of any issues identified against individual CMUs. 

Supporting Information

What format is the Mock Stress Event Reporting?

The format of the reporting is based on the Capacity Volume Register (CVR) and in ‘Appendix 1. Capacity Volume Register’ (p16) in WP48 – Volume Reallocation has the definitions of the column headers that will be used.

What has been defaulted from this reporting? 

To produce this reporting several processes have to be defaulted. The defaulting does affect the accuracy of the calculation, there are still benefits to produce this reporting to illustrate the potential outcome for CMUs and highlight any issues.

These items are defaulted to zero in the reporting:

  1. Relevant Interruption
  2. Interconnector Interruption
  3. Declared Availability

Why have exceptions been applied to support the Mock System Stress Event Reporting?

As the Mock System Stress Event Reporting is not an actual System Stress Event we have applied exceptions. Therefore, several items have been excluded from the reporting. 

The exceptions reasons are:

  1. Not Capacity Committed
  2. Aggregation Rules – Data Transfer Issue
  3. Missing Aggregation Rules and/or Missing Metered Data
  4. DSR CMU
  5. Interconnector

Explanations of the various exceptions are provided below.  

What are the exception explanations within the reporting?

The exception explanations used to support the Mock System Stress Event Reporting are explained as follows:

Order Exception Reason Explanation
1  Not Capacity Committed CMU is not capacity obligated on the testing settlement date.
2  Aggregation Rules – Data Transfer Issue When the Mock System Stress Event calculations was processed there were some CMUs which EMRS do not have live Aggregation Rules due to known data transfer issues between the EMRS and the Delivery Body Portal. These have been excluded from mock stress event testing.

In an actual System Stress Event any Aggregation Rules that are missing due to data transfer issues will be loaded into the EMRS Settlement System before any settlement activities take place.

This is a similar approach taking place during the automated Satisfactory Performance Day and Extended Performance testing that the Delivery Body and Electricity Settlement Company (ESC) have implemented.

We are working to reduce the number of CMUs impacted by data transfer issues.

3  Missing Aggregation Rules No Aggregation Rules submitted for a CMU. Check the status of the CMU and where Aggregation Rules are missing, please submit them.

In a live System Stress Event this CMU would have incurred penalties.

4  Missing Metered Data No CMU metered data was submitted for the settlement date the report relates to. Please check your CMUs data flows.

In a live System Stress Event this CMU would have incurred penalties.

5  DSR CMU DSR CMUs are currently excluded from reporting. This is in line with the existing Mock Stress Event testing procedure.
6  Interconnector Interconnector CMUs are currently excluded from reporting. This is in line with the existing Mock Stress Event testing procedure.

What is the frequency of the reporting to Capacity Providers?

Once we have received feedback from Capacity Providers following this reporting being issued in June 2023, we will confirm frequency of this reporting. 

Will any further supporting information be available to read through?

We have created some additional Frequently asked Questions to support Capacity Providers with the Mock System Stress Event Reporting.


WP48 – Volume Reallocation has the definitions of the column headers that will be used in the Mock System Stress Event Reporting. The format of the reporting is based on the Capacity Volume Register (CVR) and in ‘Appendix 1. Capacity Volume Register’ (p16).

No Guidance or Working Practice documents are impacted as part of this Service Improvement.

To understand more about the processes Capacity Providers may be required to do in an actual System Stress Event please do read through G18- Capacity Market Stress Event Guide. This provides information on a number of processes including:

  • Adjusted Load Following Capacity Obligation (ALFCO)
  • Metered Data Submission
  • Balancing Services Data Submission
  • Volume Reallocation
  • Penalty Invoice Calculation
  • Disputes
  • Black Start
  • FAQs


Recently, ESC provided a progress update to the Capacity Market Advisory Group (CMAG) on the System Stress Event Testing Programme and confirmed we will start engaging with Capacity Providers on the Mock System Stress Event Reporting in June 2023.

To support the implementation we have planned the following activities.

Date Activity
7 June 2023 Introductory email to Capacity Providers to highlight this process improvement and explain the next steps.
14 June 2023 Issue Mock System Stress Event Reporting to Capacity Providers will no exceptions identified.
21 June 2023 Issue Mock System Stress Event Reporting to Capacity Providers with exceptions identified.
4 July 2023 Hold a webinar with Capacity Providers to provide:

  • An overview
  • A summary of the results
  • Opportunity to answer questions & seek feedback

We held a webinar on 4 July 2023 to provide background information on the Mock System Stress Event Reporting and some supporting information to help Capacity Providers. You can watch the recording of the webinar below:

Also, you can view the slides here: ‘Mock System Stress Event Reporting webinar slides’.