My EMRS is our digital solution for Capacity Providers, CfD Generators and Suppliers, which offers the following services:
- Registration
- Party Details
- Party Data
- Capacity Provider Metered Data
- Metering
- Capacity Market Volume Reallocation Notification
We have produced a short video to illustrate some of these services. This video will guide you through how to navigate around My EMRS and highlight its key features.
To support you in how to use My EMRS, we have G25 – My EMRS User Guide.
We have provided a direct link to My EMRS in the top right-hand corner (scroll up to have a look) to increase accessibility and support you in navigating from the website directly to My EMRS.
Who will have access to My EMRS?
All Authorised Contacts, including Primary Party Authority, Finance Authority, Operating Authority, Credit Cover Contact, Trading Contact and User will be able to access My EMRS.
The privileges each Authorised Contacts has been given will vary and G4 – EMR and Nuclear RAB Settlement Authorisations provides details on these privileges against each Authorised Contact role.
Further supporting information
To understand more about the Registering with EMRS and how to use My EMRS, this is shown on the Stakeholder Support webpages. Please select the relevant role, either Capacity Provider, CfD Generator or Supplier (CfD or CM).
- Stakeholder Support – Capacity Providers
- Stakeholder Support – CfD Generators
- Stakeholder Support – Supplier (CfD)
- Stakeholder Support – Supplier (CM)
What processes are available in My EMRS for Capacity Providers?
Capacity Providers will use My EMRS to undertake these processes:
- Metering Configuration/Aggregation Rules
- Change Request
- Metering Assessments
- Metering Test
- Metering Test Certificate
- Demand Side Response (DSR) Component Reallocation
- Capacity Market Volume Reallocation Notification (CMVRN)
These processes are summarised in the various steps on the Stakeholder Support – Capacity Providers webpage and referenced are the relevant documents to support you through the process. We have also created some short training videos to support Capacity Providers with navigating the Metering functionality within My EMRS.
Please send any feedback through the Service Desk on My EMRS, and we look forward to hearing from you.
Frequently asked questions
Here are some popular FAQs to support you with My EMRS. If your question is not here, please do contact our Service Desk.
Will I have multiple login details for each EMR Party that I am an Authorised Contact for?
ArrowYou will only have one login for My EMRS allowing you to view all EMR Parties you are associated with as an Authorised Contact.
Who can make amendments in My EMRS?
ArrowPrimary Party Authority, Finance Authority, Operating Authority and Trading Contacts can make amendments to Registration and Bank Account details.
G4 – EMR and Nuclear RAB Settlement Authorisations provides details on the privileges against each Authorised Contact role.
What amendments are restricted?
ArrowThese registration details are restricted as follows:
- Suppliers: Company Name and Company Number changes are validated against the information held by Ofgem.
- Capacity Providers: Company Name changes are validated against the information held by the EMR Delivery Body.
- CfD Generators: Your Company Name, Company Number, CfD ID, Project Name and Address are part of the contract and requests must be made directly with LCCC to amend these details.
Bank Account amendments will need to be verified and EMRS will contact a relevant Authorised Contact (either a Primary Party Authority or a Finance Authority) to verbally confirm bank details.
How do I view my Authorised Contacts?
ArrowIf registered on My EMRS, you can click on ‘View/Amend Existing Party Details’. Select Contact Details to view your Authorised Contacts. From here you can add or remove Authorised Contacts to keep your details up to date.
If you need any guidance or support please do contact our Service Desk.
How do I generate a new password if I have forgotten it?
ArrowYou can generate a password at any time by clicking on Forgot password? An email is generated containing a reset password link and upon receipt click on the link to reset your password.
Which Working Practices focus on the registration and amendment processes?
ArrowThese are the Working Practices focused on the registration and amendment processes:
- WP21 – Supplier Registration
- WP22 – Applicant and Capacity Provider Registration
- WP24 – CfD Settlement Required Information
In additional these Guidance documents will also provide support: