Further to the recent Ofgem decision regarding CP373 – Transfer of Metering and Component Reallocation from the Delivery Body to the Settlement Body. The Capacity Market Delivery Partners (EMR Delivery Body & EMR Settlement Body and ourselves) wanted to clarify the new features and changes that will occur following the transfer of accountability. We strongly recommend you review the Consultation Response document and draft rules to fully understand the implications of this change.
We are all very supportive of these changes, initially proposing CP373 at the Capacity Market Advisory Group (CMAG) in August 2023 and supporting the development process both at CMAG and during the consultation phase. The transfer of accountability for Metering processes to EMRS will provide a clearer process for the customer, alongside increasing the assurance behind metering configuration validations.
View the Ofgem decision document here.
Capacity Market Rule changes related to this decision will come into effect when laid before Parliament, ahead of the 2024 Prequalification Window.
What is being transferred to EMRS to operate on behalf of Electricity Settlement Company (ESC)?
EMRS will be operating these activities below and Capacity Providers will be using My EMRS:
• Metering Arrangements
• Metering Assessments
• Metering Test
• Metering Test Certificate
• Change Request
• Metering Aggregation Rules
• Demand Side Response (DSR) Component Reallocation
• Publication of Capacity Market Metering Register
Termination events for non-delivery of Metering Assessments or Metering Test Certificates will still be managed by the EMR Delivery Body.
We’d like to highlight that the Capacity Market Metering Register will be published on the Settlement Data for Capacity Providers webpage and this will be made available once My EMRS is operational. EMR Delivery Body will still retain the historical CM Registers which include accurate metering information as of the date of publication on the EMR DB New Portal and the latest version(s) have been updated on Wednesday 12 June 2024.
What will happen during the interim period?
EMR DB Portal has now gone live as of Monday 17 June 2024 and My EMRS is scheduled to go-live at the end of July 2024. During this interim period, it’s highlighted in the Ofgem Consultation response, if a Capacity Provider has a business critical requirement to undertake any of the above processes from Monday 17 June 2024 they will need to contact the EMRS via the Service Desk. However, we’d encourage Capacity Providers where possible to wait until these processes are available within My EMRS.
Where can I locate further details on the activities EMRS are operating?
We have provided further detailed about the ‘Process Transfer from Delivery Body to Settlement Body for Metering Activities’ to support Capacity Providers of the changes we are making.
What are the key benefits of CP373?
CP373 means that Metering Arrangements, Metering Test Certificates and DSR Component Reallocations will be processed by EMRS, removing process steps and ultimately making the overall metering process more efficient and improving the customer journey.
Given the changes outlined in CP373, the metering validations will be removed from the prequalification process and metering related data will no longer appear on a Capacity Agreement Notice. This will help simplify the Capacity Providers obligations during the prequalification process leading to a reduced amount of issues that could result in a prequalification rejection.
Due to the prerequisites of several Capacity Market milestones, the Settlement Body will provide confirmation of metering status and approval of Metering Assessments & Metering Test Certificates to the Delivery Body regularly through our established file transfer agreements. This process reduces the involvement of participants also helping to improve the customer experience.
When the new My EMRS platform is launched, EMRS will publish a new Capacity Market Metering Register, which will include the metering details around each CMU and their relevant auctions. This will replace the metering information which is currently provided by the Capacity Market Register.