
About EMRS

At EMR Settlement Limited (EMRS), we specialise in delivering expert settlement services for several of the UK’s energy schemes and are proud to play a pivotal role in the transition to a secure, low-carbon, and cost-effective energy future.

EMRS is the Settlement Services Provider for the following schemes:

To learn more about these schemes, please visit their designated webpages.

We deliver this role on behalf of the Low Carbon Contracts Company (LCCC), who are the Contracts for Difference Counterparty and the Revenue Collection Counterparty for Nuclear RAB, and the Electricity Settlements Company (ESC) who are the Capacity Market Settlement Body.

Our services are delivered under contractual agreements with LCCC and ESC. Together, we ensure that settlement activities are carried out efficiently, effectively, and in full compliance with regulations.

As a wholly owned subsidiary of Elexon, we benefit from their expertise in managing complex data and settlement processes under the Balancing and Settlement Code (BSC). Through our managed services agreement with Elexon, we access the metered data required to support settlement activities for these schemes. We also have a representative from EMRS that attends the Capacity Market Advisory Group (CMAG). CMAG is responsible for managing changes to the CM Rules and having a representative attend CMAG ensures our customers interests are effectively voiced and considered.

We continue to evolve our services to meet the demands of the energy market, and we are proud to contribute to the government’s long-term energy objectives. For more details about our strategic direction, see Elexon’s 2025/26 Business Plan.

How we are funded

Our funding comes from levies recovered from electricity Suppliers, known as the Operational Costs Levy and Settlement Costs Levy. Our operational costs are included as part of the total operational costs for LCCC and ESC.

Typically, the government consult on the levies every three years, though DESNZ have indicated that they do not intend to consult on the Operational and Settlement Costs for both schemes for the 2025/26 Financial Year. The most recent consultation covered financial years 2022/23, 2023,24 and 2024/5 and can be accessed here.

Further financial details about EMRS are captured in Elexons financial accounts and reporting.

Our Governance

EMRS is overseen by the EMRS Board, which is responsible for our corporate governance and strategic direction. The Board also ensures robust procurement and contract management processes.

Comprising of experienced professionals, the Board brings multi-disciplinary expertise, particularly in financial settlement and electricity industry governance.

To learn more about our Board members, please visit the dedicated webpage.

Our History

We were established in 2014 to initially manage the settlement processes for the Contracts for Difference and Capacity Market schemes.

These schemes were part of the UK government’s Electricity Market Reform, introduced during 2010 to 2015 to transform the electricity system and ensure a secure, low-carbon, and affordable energy supply. Learn more about EMR reforms on the UK Government website.