Posted on: 21/12/2022

The past few months National Grid ESO EMR Delivery Body (EMR DB), Electricity Settlement Company (ESC) and EMRS have been working collaboratively on a number of Capacity Market winter readiness activities.

The primary focus of our efforts is to ensure the accuracy of settlement and associated penalties should a System Stress Event occur in the 2022/23 Delivery Year and beyond.

Areas to highlight are:

  • Improvement to the Relevant Balancing Services and Relevant Interruption data submission
  • Letter from BEIS published on issuing penalties in the Capacity Market
  • Updates to the Stress Event Guide
  • Updates to System Stress Event Data Template and Guidance
  • System Stress Event Tool

We have provided further details on each of these areas below.

Improvements to the Relevant Balancing Services and Relevant Interruption data submission

Previously all CMUs were required to submit Relevant Balancing Services (RBS) and Relevant Interruption (RI) data following a System Stress Event regardless of participation.

We have updated the process so only CMUs who have participated in RBS and RI are required to complete and submit the System Stress Event Data template should a Capacity Market System Stress Event occur. We believe this reduces the burden on Capacity Providers.

Full details of this process are available in the updated Stress Event Guide mentioned below.

Issuing of penalties in the Capacity Market

BEIS have published a letter to ESC to ensure the prioritisation of accuracy in the calculation and issuing of penalties in the case of non-delivery in the Capacity Market.

This is a positive confirmation that BEIS understands if there were a System Stress Event at the end of the month, while every endeavor will be made the regulatory deadlines may not be met. This is following detailed analysis because of timings within the process to validate RBS and RI with National Grid ESO.

Full details of this letter are available on the government website’ Issuing of penalties in the Capacity Market – GOV.UK (’.

Updated Stress Event Guide

Collectively, we have reviewed the Stress Event Guide and made updates in particular to the following areas:

  • Relevant Balancing Services and Relevant Interruptions data submission
  • Process for submitting Capacity Market Volume Reallocation Notification (CMVRN) via My EMRS
  • New Section – ‘Black Start’

The latest version of the Stress Event Guide is now located on the Guidance webpage on the EMRS website.

Updates to System Stress Event Data Template and Guidance

To support the RBS and RI data submission EMR DB has made an improved System Stress Event Data template and supporting guidance available on the EMR DB website.

The latest System Stress Event Data template is located within the Document Library under the System Stress Event folder on the EMR DB website.

System Stress Event Tool

ESC and EMRS have developed a System Stress Event tool to replicate the System Stress Event calculations for chosen Settlement Periods and Settlement Dates. This is a replacement of the Mock Stress Event activities that have been previously performed.

To validate the System Stress Event tool, we have worked with some Capacity Providers and improved the functionality further from feedback received. We will have this tool operational in the New Year. ESC and EMRS will be able to send a breakdown to Capacity Providers with active agreements for this Delivery Year to enable them to validate their CMUs status and data accuracy matches with the information held by us.

Further information on the System Stress Event tool will be communicated early in the New Year.

Next Steps

We will continue to keep you informed on System Stress Event activities and improvements. We hope you can see our efforts have been focused on data accuracy development and also have additional benefits of the Satisfactory Performance Day automation.