EMRS would like to update Suppliers, CfD Generators and Capacity Providers following the MRA Development Board (MDB) last month. This discussed the feedback, received on Data Transfer Catalogue (DTC) Solution Pre-Assessment Form (SPF) 107 – ‘Reporting of Additional EMR Backing Data’ proposes to make amendments to the following data flows:
- D0362 – CfD Supplier Invoice Backing Data
- D0363 – CfD Supplier Credit Cover Report
- D0364 – CM Supplier Invoice Backing Data
- D0365 – CfD Generator Invoice Backing Data
- D0366 – CM Capacity Provider Invoice Backing Data
In addition to the proposed changes to the above DTC data flows, we will also be updating the CSV backing data format as part of this overall change to ensure consistency and alignment to all formats of EMR backing data.
What feedback did we receive on the proposed changes?
Eight MRA Parties provided feedback on SPF107: Reporting of Additional EMR Backing Data. Two responded on accepting the change and the other six had no interest. The feedback related to formatting and grammatical errors will be rectified in the subsequent Change Proposal (CP).
Some feedback received on D0366 – ‘CM Capacity Provider Invoice Backing Data’ highlighted how the Capacity Providers currently use the data items and groups in the data flow. We are working to incorporate this feedback into the subsequent CP where possible.
Do you want to understand more about these changes to EMR backing data?
We will be holding a webinar on 10 March 2021 at 10:00 to provide a summary of the proposed changes to the EMR backing data. This will cover both the DTC data flows and CSV format backing data. The webinar will also provide an opportunity to raise any questions and confirm the next steps for these changes.
To register for this webinar please use this link ‘register here’.
Next steps
We are now preparing the new CP to be issued with Retail Energy Code Company (RECCo) and Ofgem by 26 February 2021, ahead of the proposed implementation in November 2021 Release. This CP will include the feedback received from SPF107: Reporting of Additional EMR Backing Data. Once we receive any update from RECCo and Ofgem we will keep EMR Parties informed.
Further information is available in the MRA January 2021 Newsletter and on the RECCo website to the changes in governance responsibilities.
Further information
On the 16 November 2020, we communicated about the ‘Proposal submitted to update data flows to support EMR backing data’ to advise we had raised this proposed change. We have issued out EMRC226: Feedback on the proposal to update data flows to support EMR backing data to highlight this to EMR Parties.