Currently, we are working with EMR DB and ESC to create a series of pre-recorded training videos in a webinar-style format. These videos aim to provide additional clarity on the events and actions required from Capacity Providers if a System Stress Event were to happen.
We are pleased to announce that the first video is now available to watch on our Vimeo here: Market Margin Signals.
This video is particularly useful as in the past couple of months, NESO have issued four Capacity Market Notices. These are issued when NESO’s normal safety margin for operating the system is not as big as we would like and NESO cannot address this through the normal mechanisms.
The other videos we are working to produce to support CPs with this topic include:
- System Stress Event (SSE) Overview: Roles & Responsibilities and end-to-end timeline of activities
- Relevant Balancing Services
- Capacity Market Notice (CMN) & Electricity Margin Notice (EMN)
- Penalty calculations
- ALFCO calculations
We will keep you updated when the next videos in the series become available.
If you have any queries or feedback on this, please call us via 020 7380 4333 or email [email protected].