Posted on: 19/10/2017

Electricity Settlements Company (ESC) and EMRS are hosting a webinar on Wednesday 8 November 2017 at 11:00 to explain the volume reallocation process detailed within WP48-Volume Reallocation.

This session is aimed at both:

  • Capacity Providers who were awarded a Capacity Agreement at Auction.
  • Capacity Market Volume Reallocation (CMVR) Registered Participants who were not awarded a Capacity Agreement at Auction but have or intend to register with the Delivery Body to participate in volume reallocation.

Through this webinar you will get a better understanding of:

  • What is volume reallocation?
  • Who can participate in volume reallocation?
  • How do I identify a CMU that I can participate in volume reallocation?
  • How to complete Capacity Market Volume Reallocation Notification (CMVRN)?
  • Timeline associated to volume reallocation

The webinar will also provide an opportunity for Capacity Providers to ask questions.

Register for this webinar.