On 22 November 2018, EMRS issued EMR Circular 170 on behalf of Low Carbon Contracts Company (LCCC) and Electricity Settlements Company (ESC), to inform Suppliers that the BSC Panel has approved LCCC’s proposed interim solution that facilitates EMRS to exclude electricity supplied to Licensed Generators or Storage Facilities from Suppliers payments for both Contracts for Difference (CFD) and Capacity Market (CM).
To support Suppliers, Licenced Generators and Storage Facilities, EMR Circular 170 provides the following details:
- Background to why the interim solution is required
- Who is eligible to apply using the interim solution?
- How will EMRS exclude volumes from Suppliers payments?
- When will Suppliers be able to submit requests to EMRS?
- When will the volumes be excluded from Suppliers payments?
- What Supplier payments will this impact?
- What are the EMRS Working Practice and Guidance documents impacted?
- What are the next steps?