On 28 June, LCCC and ESC issued a Stakeholder Bulletin providing an update on the EMR backing data changes. The intent was to deliver these changes in November 2021.
However, a dependency to achieve this was on approval by the new Retail Energy Code Company (RECCo) transitioning from the Master Registration Agreement Service Company (MRA). The transition has delayed this delivery and LCCC and ESC are working with RECCo to agree delivery of these changes. We will communicate the revised dates once confirmed.
What information has previously been shared?
EMR Parties were informed of the proposed changes via the following:
- EMRC228 – Feedback on the proposal to update data flows to support EMR backing data
- EMRC227 – Update on Stress Event Testing Programme to highlight changes to backing data for Capacity Providers
- EMRC223 – Proposal submitted to update data flows to support EMR backing data
EMR Webinars
- An update on the proposed changes to the EMR backing data
- Capacity Provider session highlighted the new Stress Event specific EMR backing data
You can watch these via EMRS’ YouTube channel or visit the EMR Webinar webpage.