Posted on: 24/02/2014

ELEXON is running a workshop at its offices on behalf of DECC to discuss how to implement DECC’s Electricity Market Reform (EMR) Demand Side Response Metering Option (a) – use of the Half-Hourly Data Aggregator.

This workshop seeks to develop the HHDA metering option proposed by DECC in its October consultation ‘EMR Proposals for Implementation’ and discussed at a workshop held by DECC in November 2013.  This option proposes:

  1. Capacity provider identifies the relevant Metering Point Administration Numbers (MPANs), and informs the Capacity Market (CM)Settlement Agent
  2. Capacity provider contacts the supplier(s) for those MPANs, and instructs them to provide data to the CM Settlement Agent
  3. Supplier(s) sends Data Transfer Catalogue (DTC) data flows to relevant HHDA(s), instructing them to provide data to the CM Settlement Agent
  4. HHDA(s) process the flows from the supplier, setting a flag against the relevant MPANs in their database, and sending a confirmation to the supplier over the Data Transfer Network (DTN) that the instruction has been accepted
  5. Each subsequent Aggregation Run performed by the HHDA produces a file of Metered Data for the relevant MPANs, which is sent to the CM Settlement Agent over the DTN

Who is impacted?

This proposal will impact suppliersHHDAs, and the CM Settlement Agent. It may also impact Half-Hourly Data Collectors (HHDCs).

Would you like to join the workgroup?

We will hold an initial workshop on Monday 24 March orWednesday 26 March between 10.00 to 15.00. If you would like to join the group please email [email protected] by 17.00 on Wednesday 19 March 2014, indicating your availability for the proposed dates.

We propose the workgroup comprises suppliers and Supplier Agents (specifically HHDCs and HHDAs) along with other relevant experts and interested parties.

More information

The following documents provide more information on the proposal:

You can find slides from the workshop here.

If you would like more information please contact Lawrence Jones on 020 7380 4118.